Friday, February 26, 2016

More team photos

2 ICU nurses with Kaina and Mario, getting the 7 year old settled post op.  Soon after, we were asked to set up another PEDS vent for a second OR case on a 4 month old with free air in its abdomen.  We did not see this second patient come out of surgery.  

Diane and one of the Residents

Diane, Maggie and Kaina tending to the 7 year old with the perfed jejunum

Kacie, Connor, Sean, Jeff and Jason in the ED

In the ICU, not sure who I was sneering at.  How frightening!  

Zadok and Toni

One of our nightly team dinners

Jason, Kacie, Connor and Maggie laughing it up

The Con man and El Guapo

Connor, Kacie, Mario kept us all in stitches and feeling young at heart

Neonatal Intensive Care

Paul Farmer's koi in one of the healing ponds/gardens

The Neonatal Intensive care unit

Patients come from long distances with their family members who can't afford to stay in one of the few hotels so the hospital allows them to camp out in the outer halls of the units.  The photo does not do the scene justice.  We literally weaved our way through mattresses, pots, pans and other belongings in almost every outer hall of the hospital during our Sunday tour.

This is one of the entrances into the hospital next to the ED where we entered the hospital each day.  There was always a lot of activity at every entrance.  This was an unusual moment, a Kodak moment for Dr. Fried (our photographer) 

The CT scanner.  They use tele radiology with a Boston radiologist or sometimes there's a visiting Radiologist which may be an infrequent occurrence.  

Lisa checking Jason's GCS which was quite HIGH!   

A Haitian woman and her donkey, loaded down

A typical Haitian home.  We thought this area was hit hard by the earthquake since many homes look half built (or half destroyed, either one) but we were told that Mirebalais wasn't affected.  Port au Prince is where most of the damage was.  It's very dusty here.  Most of the streets in Mirebalais are dirt roads, the main road is partially paved.  

On our drive to Mirebalais

Zadok Sacks, our host from Equal Health with Patti 

Diane relaxing after a long day 

Dr. Fried and a local artisan who visited us three times and made sales each time.  Cha-Ching!  

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